The AFL Club Help Website has been around for a number of years; however it has recently had an over haul
and been improved and was re-launched as of the start of February. The reason for the overhaul was the
feedback given to the AFL was that the current version, whilst holding great resources was structured in a way
that made it very difficult to access certain material. The major improvements were the reduction of
duplicated content and the streamlined pages, was previously 200+ URL pages down to now 40.

As part of the updated website the AFL have also launched a Webinar Series to assist clubs and volunteers in
not only getting the season up and running but with assistance throughout the season should it be needed.

Each webinar runs for 45-minutes (7:15pm – 8:00pm) and clubs can register to the webinars via the website.
All previous webinars have been recorded and can be accessed at any time. Some of the topics covered are:
– Mental Health
– Planning for Success
– Volunteers
– Safeguarding Children
– Women & Girls
– Grants
– Match Day
– Concussion

The AFL also offer an incentive to reward club volunteers who register and join the sessions, with prizes
totaling $10,000 in value being on offer.

Areas of the website useful for clubs:
– Recruitment & Recognition
– Club Management
– Policies
– Club Growth
– Women & Girls